

While our customers are wholesalers, Packard knows that you, the contractor, have a choice. You are often presented with many buying options, and being well-informed about your purchase can help make your job easier and more successful.  Our Tech Tips are also very helpful for our wholesalers as we present product information that can help as contractors have questions.

This is why we have dedicated a section of our site for contractors and wholesalers. In this section, you will find helpful product tips, tools and some clips from our training classes. We’ve also provided a distributor locator so you can find the nearest wholesaler who can give you access to Packard products.

Eliminate Motor Failure - Remove Drain Plugs from Condenser Fan Motors

by User Not Found
In this Packard Academy training segment, Rick explains the importance of removing drain plugs from condenser fan motors. Condensation build-up in motors can damage bearings and other internal components. Remove one rubber end-shield drain plug from the down side of condenser fan motors (depending on the shaft mounting position) to allow condensation to drain. If mounted horizontally, at least one drain plug on the bottom or down side should be removed.
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Eliminate Motor Failure - Remove Drain Plugs from Condenser Fan Motors